Monday, February 20, 2012
Learn to Type
It's amazing to consider that my current class of year 3s will (most probably) be completing their HSC on computer!
So hand in hand with handwriting comes typing. I think it's important to note that students must first learn to type, and typing games can then compliment and develop these skills. Like with handwriting, we all eventually develop our own style with how to approach typing.
BBC Dancemat Typing is excellent, however it requires sound. This is not always appropriate for a classroom!
This online learning games for kids website has a good series of leveled typing lessons for kids.
keybr is an excellent tool for learning to type full words, and also demonstrates finger placement on the keyboard, a helpful reminder for everybody, adults included.
I think we all agree learning to type is vital, I hope these websites help.
learn to type,
sick day,
typing games,