Sunday, May 5, 2013

COGS: Effects of Growth and Change

This term our COGS unit focuses on the Effects of Growth and Change.

Our bodies are complex systems that rely on many factors to grow and function, and we will work towards understanding the impact of change from historical perspectives and on the life cycles of living things.

Today with Miss Davis we visited this website to explore the circulatory, respiratory, muscular and digestive systems in humans.

An excellent digestive system interactive explores the process of digestion. You may like to follow up with this online quiz!

All sorts of school resources including videos, games and puzzles on the respiratory system are right here. There is another whole page of resources available relating to the circulatory system.

The Anatomy Arcade has games all about muscles!

BBC Science also has some good online learning interactives and activities.

If you would like to play a game that looks at the human skeletal system, click here!
A good comprehension activity on the muscular system supported by a quiz can be found here.